Monday, May 30, 2011

The movie theater is NOT your living room.

I guess enough said. It drives me so crazy though. Really. Do you really need that giant tub of popcorn and a tray of hotdogs? Oh yeah, don't forget the mega soda. And don't forget to slurp on it during the quietest part of the movie, you know, the part with only important dialogue and no music. I know it's an outing people, but come on. Years ago, I went to that small theater over on La Brea and a guy actually had the nerve to plop in a seat behind me, open a (loud) styrofoam container of (smelly) wings and chow down. Sigh. A long time ago I remember thinking the DGA was so snooty to not allow food or drinks during screenings. Now I totally get it. Nothing like being taken out of a movie going experience by the girl next to you struggling to get that last piece of caramel popcorn. How about this foreign idea - eat before you leave your house? Or maybe even better yet, how about just staying home.

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